Put your name out there.
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC), also known as cost per click, is a paid search strategy designed to drive additional traffic to a business’ website. Google, Bing, and other search engines allow businesses to buy spots in top search results, usually appearing above or alongside the non-paid (a.k.a. organic) search results. When someone clicks the PPC link on search engine results pages (or SERPs), the search engine is paid according to the original bid offered by the business.
PPC can be an effective strategy for generating traffic right off the bat. By offering a highly competitive bid, you can essentially guarantee placement in top search results, increasing the recognition of your brand—and boosting your traffic. Custom Software Solutions can help you develop and execute a PPC strategy, including identifying the right target keywords, creating the text for the ad, setting up the bidding process, and troubleshooting the campaign as it moves along. We work with tools like Google AdWords to refine your campaign and make sure you are getting the most out of your PPC efforts.
Businesses often choose PPC advertising because of its immediate results. Once a campaign is set up, you often see the results (typically an increase in targeted traffic to a certain page) in a matter of days—or even hours! Contact Custom Software Solutions today to learn more about how PPC advertising fits into your digital marketing strategy.
Pay-per-click advertising has the benefit of instant results and analytics. See the success of your targeted keywords in real-time, tracking the number of visitors who clicked on your ad in search results, their activity once on the site, and how it benefits your overall business.
PPC campaigns are known for their flexibility and instantaneous results. PPC campaigns can be tweaked and adjusted at various points in the process. This allows you to test different keywords, landing pages, and other elements throughout the campaign.
Our PPC campaigns are based on strong, comprehensive keyword strategies that are designed to drive business to your core services. We will work with you to identify cornerstone keywords and build your PPC campaigns around these high- value terms.
PPC campaigns allow you to target niche keywords to drive a particular audience to your website. Niche keywords will often reach customers who are further down in the sales funnel, giving you a prime opportunity for conversions.
PPC campaigns specify a certain budget, allowing you to run ads up until you reach a certain amount of impressions (or clicks). Make the most of your advertising budget- without exceeding it- using a predefined budget for PPC, and never worry about overspending.
Custom Software Solutions can provide monthly updates on the status of your PPC campaign, including the number of click your ads have received. These reports enable you to evaluate your current keyword targets and landing pages to determine if any changes are needed.
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